Why Predictive modeling is essential for managing a modern Data Center computing facility
Jonathan Koomey, Research Fellow at the Steyer-Taylor Center for Energy Policy and Finance at Stanford University, will be making a significant presentation at DCD San Francisco on Friday 12th July.
Future Facilities has been working closely with Dr. Koomey over the past few months in the use of our Predictive Modeling methodology. He is convinced that what we have been preaching is a critical approach that is necessary for all owner/operators.
The following is the title and the abstract of his presentation:
“Why predictive modeling is essential for managing a modern computing facility”
Data centers are rapidly changing complex systems that are essential for operating any modern business. Most such facilities are imperfectly measured and poorly optimized, resulting in stranded capital and wasted operating expenses (many operators don’t even realize how essential computer modeling of their facility is for optimizing their operations). This presentation will describe how data center operators can effectively use data collection, real-time measurements, and predictive modeling to attack these problems, resulting in higher computing output, lower costs, and better reliability.
Here’s a 2 minute video describing the problem of Lost Data Center Capacity and how we solve it: